Monday, September 23, 2013

Minnesota Vikings fan ValCarey (like valkyrie)

Just imagine: Your mom takes you to a football game.  You wear the jersey of your favorite player, Adrian Peterson, but your mom dresses up like a Valkyrie.  What will the kids at school say when they see this photo?

Personally I hope ValCarey attends every Vikings game and we get to see more of her. You can see more of her on the interwebs at Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Mugshots Online, probably other places. Let me know if you find more cool stuff. I really hope she doesn't pick up anymore misdemeanors. Anyone know what this means? HD O/CO MISD M OTHER COUNTY/GM & MISD

In case you didn't know what a Valkyrie is, it is "one of the virginal women in Norse Mythology who searched the battlefields for the souls of dead men fit to become einherjar, which were then taken up to Valhalla (the equivalent of heaven)"

Thank you Bruce Kluckhohn USA Today Sports for taking this picture

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